Calle La Fuente

How to arrive


The fountain was a small well, and there is written evidence that it existed as such at least in 1757. In the opinion of many people, it is considered to be the origin of the village. It is said that in the 1920s, someone threw a comb into it, a fact that was much talked about in Barinas, and then, and for a long time, it was known as the source of the comb.

They all tried to build their houses close to it so that they could have the water nearby. Men and women went to the fountain to fill cauldrons, jugs and pitchers. The pitchers were large clay pots. With a narrow opening, a wide belly and a again narrow base, they had one or two handles. Men used to carry the pitcher, tying it to their backs with a rope; the women, they carried it supported on one side of their bodies.

The excess water from the fountain was destined, first passing through the laundry room, to water the Garden.

On September 12, 1942, the Abanilla City Council studied building a water tank at the fountain, approving the project on the 28th of this month. The works would be entrusted to the administrative board of the Heredamiento, with the corporation contributing the amount of 2000 pesetas.

Un Lugar llamado Barinas , de Juan Navarro Navarro Lifante y Ascensión Tenza Carrión. 






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How to Arrive?

In Abanilla

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