Parish Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
C/ Mayor. Pza. de la Iglesia
Telephone: +34 601902449
Prior to 1468 a small structure with a single nave and a wooden roof existed. Subsequently it was enlarged, encompassing a larger area with a roof resting on three plaster arches with a gothic window over the sacristy. Due to he rise in population during the XVI century the Council planned to buil a large basilica with vaulting over huge Tuscan solumns but different master builders modified the original floor plan, giving it more the appearance of a Latin cross as the third part of the choir is missining. This was because teh Real Consejo de Ordenes ordered works to be stopped eavin the external area unfinished.
The original Capilla Mayor, where the Arco de Casetones stnads, is the work of the architect Francesco Florentino. The tower was buil between 1930 an 1932 as the previous one was in ruins by the end of the XIX century.
After the Civil war restoration works took place. The courtyard walls were richly decorated as was the presbytery, choir and columns. It is worth lloking at the work carried out to the wall of the Presbiterio where a panel has been superimposed over the original work, imitating the style of the ancient Retablo Mayor.