Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz
Pza. del Arco, 1
Telephone: +34 968 702 000
/ Fax: +34 968 702 767
e-mail: alcaldia@caravaca.org
Originally, the project was commissioned by Jaime Bort. However, it was later modified by the architects Fray Juan de Sta. Teresa and Juan García Galán. The building was finally carried out by Antonio del Campo, the master builder from Caravaca. The main works ended in 1762 and the first mass was held on January 3th, 1763.
The building has three floors. Generally, all the parts are characterised by an ornamental simplicity and sobriety, except for the façade.
Inside the plenary chamber, an enormous oil on canvas can be seen. The painting is a copy from an original work of Rosales that is currently exhibited in the Museo del Prado. The theme of the painting is the testament of Isabella I of Castille.