Centro de Interpretación de la Muralla Púnica
C/ San Diego, 25
Telephone: +34 968 500 093
e-mail: informacion@puertoculturas.com
In the Punic Wall you will encounter one of the most important episodes in the history of the Mediterranean, the Punic Wars between the Carthaginians and the Romans. You will meet the legendary past of Qart Hadast founded by general Hasdrubal in 229 BC and its most significant, the wall, one of the few remaining Carthaginian relics still found in Spain.
In addition, next to the wall, you can see the funerary crypt of the hermitage of San José built in the 16th and 17th centuries, its walls offer a very macabre representation of the Dances of Death
Individual: 4 Euros
Reduced: 3 Euros
FREE ENTRANCE according to the provisions of article 8.1.c of the Law of Cultural Heritage of the Region for the B.I.C.
15:30h to 17:30h From 2 November to 14 March
17:00h to 19:00h From 15th March to 30th June / from 16th September to 1st November
18:00h to 20:00h From 1st July to 15th September