Would you like to be the first one to know what's happening in the Region of Murcia? The best offers, tourist current affairs, news... All infos at your fingertips in a very convenient way.

Enjoy our cuisine at traditional restaurants, modern restaurants, tapas bars, beachfront terraces... Find the most suitable ones according to your way and preferences. Each of them has something different to offer.

What to do
This section is for you if you enjoy every step of your trip. We offer you a wide range of routes and guided visits to explore our region.

Rural and Inland Tourism
Breathe some fresh air, feel the dew drops and make adventure your travel companion. There is nothing better than going out to the countryside or the mountains if you wish to embrace your rural spirit and have a rest.

Are you looking for a lovely hotel, tailor-made experiences? Book here and enjoy exclusive offers, privacy and no commissions.

Fook and drink
What to do
We suggest you connect with the essence of the Region of Murcia by means of its food and wine. Here are some hints on how to treat yourself during your stay.

Learn Spanish!
What to do
We guarantee that having fun and learning are totally compatible. Either if you are a beginner or an advanced student, learning Spanish in the Region of Murcia can become an unforgettable experience.

Do you like meetings? To do business or hold a conference, this is the right place. Here you can have a look at the auditoriums and conference centres in the Region of Murcia.

Festivities and Festivals
Here is the programming of festivities and festivals that provide rhythm in the Region of Murcia. Theatre, cinema, flamenco, jazz, pop and electronic music, together with traditional festivities of a religious, historical or huertano character.

Search Engine
General search
Looking for something you can't find? Let us help you. Special offers, news, tourist current events, hotels, restaurants, getaways, experiences, routes, culture, entertainment, guides... Everything is here.

Search Engine
General search
Looking for something you can't find? Let us help you. Special offers, news, tourist current events, hotels, restaurants, getaways, experiences, routes, culture, entertainment, guides... Everything is here.

Sports and Adventure
Deportes y aventura
Weigh anchor, get favourable winds, walk through nature, see the seafloor or go down to the centre of the Earth. Experience adventure and enjoy the natural beauty around you.

What are you crazy about? Antiques, handicrafts, horses, furniture, tourism... Fairs for every taste and for every age are celebrated at the Region of Murcia's fair grounds. You shouldn't miss them.

Health and Beauty
Floating with bubbles, regaining strength, relieving stress, improving your quality of life... You will get all this at our health and wellness centres. Are you ready to enjoy it?

Offers and getaways
¿Viajas a la Región de Murcia? Descubre las ofertas y escapadas que hemos preparado para tí, los mejores descuentos y actividades. Todo pensado para que disfrutes.