el Tío Paco Windmill

El Tío Paco Windmill

Ctra. de El Jimenado a Los Navarros
Telephone: +34 968 579 937 / Fax: +34 968 577 964
e-mail: turismo@torrepacheco.es

How to arrive


Windmills were introduced throughout the Campo de Cartagena from the 16th century onwards. They are of the Mediterranean type and lateen sail. The presence of flour mills was more frequent from the 18th century to the middle of the 20th century and, together with the mills dedicated to the extraction of water, they were essential to the economy of our region.

Those preserved in the municipality of Torre Pacheco stand out due to the restoration and conservation projects carried out by the Town Hall itself. These actions have returned these giants to their full monumentality and importance.

This area has a great agricultural tradition for centuries, with many Roman villas dedicated to the cultivation of cereals documented. Due to this important agrarian tradition, the presence of mills is absolutely necessary to convert wheat into flour or to extract water from the subsoil for irrigation through the conversion of wind power.

The mill is located next to the road from El Jimenado to Los Navarros. It is located on a plain surface in the middle of a threshing floor, about 100 m from the farmhouse to which it belongs. It is a three-chamber flour mill.

It is known that the first miller was Francisco Álvarez, from 1838 to 1860, and he was known as "El Tío Paco". It had several owners until 1910, the last miller being Virgilio Mateo Rebollo from 1933 to 1936, when the mill stopped working.

In the 90s, the mill was cleaned and consolidated to prevent it from deteriorating further, as it had been abandoned since it stopped working in 1936. It is now fully restored and belongs to the Torre Pacheco city council. 

How to Arrive?

In Torre Pacheco

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Bono Turístico