Pza. del Risueño, 14
Telephone: +34 968 500 093
e-mail: informacion@puertoculturas.com
The Fortuna House will take you to the domestic environment of the Roman Cartagena during the first century. The different rooms that formed the house, the dining room where the family celebrated the banquets, the salon in which the lord of the house received his visitors or to the bedrooms and private part of the house. Their objects of personal adornment, chandeliers, dishes, among others, will help you understand the fashions and customs of the time.
At the same time, you will be able to admire the beauty of its murals and mosaics with a variety of reasons such as the Swan – image of the house - , swastikas, flowers or pomegranates. All laden with a great mythological symbolism.
Enjoy a Virtual Tour of Casa de la Fortuna. Click here
High season (1st July to 15th September)
Tuesday to Sunday 10.00h to 15.00h
Mid-season (15th March to 30th June and 16th September to 1st November)
Tuesday to Sunday 10.00h to 15.00h
Low season
2nd November to 7th January
Tuesday to Sunday 10.00h to 15.00h
8th of January to 14th March
Saturday and Sunday 10:00h to 15:00h
*Open on other days only for groups with prior reservations.
How to Arrive?
In Cartagena