Bienvenido al cuaderno de bitácora gastronómico de la Región de Murcia, una tierra donde cada sabor tiene nombre propio. A flor de mar, de huerta y de monte, aquí encontrarás tal variedad de productos y cocinas que necesitarás las mil y una noches para descubrirlo todo. Y para guiarte en ese viaje culinario te contamos los destinos, planes, rincones, recetas, tiendas y noticias más destacadas de nuestros #1001SaboresRM.



Tuesday, 11 september 2018
What can we say about one of the most renowned #1001FlavoursRM? It's true Murcian tapas royalty. Here we give you the video recipe for an authentic Russian salad and the correct way to put the tapa together - things that, although you might not think it, many people get wrong.

How many times have murcianicos ordered a Russian salad beyond the borders of their region, and been served a mush of ingredients, somewhere between potato and mayonnaise, that¿s nothing like the delicious snack they¿ve been eating since they were tiny? We-ve seen it all - peas, beans, seafood sticks- Even cauliflower has offended our eyes!

Of course, there are other salads- but they aren't Russian, nor are they authentic Murcian version. And how many times have we been served the tapa put together upside down? It's a simple matter of physics and logic, but assembly of the marinera, mariner or bicicleta tapas continues to be an unresolved matter in many bars and restaurants, even for professionals and fans of gastronomy.

As Pachi Larrosa indicates in this article, the salad should rest on the side that the rosquilla (a type of bread in a loop shape) connects. Otherwise, the tapa falls apart, with the resulting danger of slopping on your clothes or the floor.

This is what Pablo González-Conejero taught his cooking colleague, Julius Bienert, and so it should be safely guarded in your cookbooks. With today's guidelines, you'll have the authentic recipe at home, and it'll impress even the most demanding palates.

And if you feeling daring and inventive, here's a tip for those of you who like the bicicleta version of the salad: some thin slices of hueva de maruca (ling roe) on top are sure to put a smile on your face.

If you still want to enjoy the Murcian tradition of tapas, street and sun, Sergio Gallego shares his favourites in the city with us. They're not the only options, but it's a good place to start.

Difficulty of today's recipe: remember not to put the marinera, mariner or bicicleta on the loop of the rosquilla. Your clothes will thank you.

Recipe: 1kg potatoes, 4 eggs, 200g variants (chopped pickled vegetables), 200g tuna in oil, 20g salt, 600g rosquillas. Anchovies in brine.
Boil the potato, let it cool and cut it into cubes. Boil the eggs, peel them, and cut them into cubes. Put the diced potato and egg in a bowl along with the variants, the tuna, the mayonnaise, and the salt. Mix everything and serve on top of a rosquilla, topped with an anchovy in brine.
For the mayonnaise:
3 eggs, 5g salt, 400ml sunflower oil.
We put the eggs in a mixer with the salt and whisk. Once we've gently whisked them, we add the oil little by little, while we keep whisking the mixture until the desired texture has been achieved.
Preparation tips:
Choose a good, crunchy rosquilla for the marinera. If possible, rinse the anchovy in brine yourself. To boil the potatoes, you can do it with the skin or with the potato already peeled, whole or in cubes, depending on how much time you have and the texture you prefer. Some people like the potato to be firmer. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, take them off the heat and cool them quickly to stop the skin from sticking to the egg. Drain the oil from the tuna before adding it to the bowl, but not too much. Add as much mayonnaise as you like, but do it bit by bit. It's best to put in too little, as you can always add more later.




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