Turismo Seguro

C/ Caballero, 17
Telephone: +34 968 500 093

How to arrive

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In the Augusteum, a temple dedicated to the first Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus, one is able to learn about the cult to the emperor, the theatrical pomp and the displays of great wealth and prestige devised by the priests. As a means of spreading the imperial ideology, it relied on a great decorative richness, as is evidenced by the quarried marble floors, marking the splendour of a bygone era.

When close to the Forum, one can explore this meeting and market place dating from Roman times, which was an important religious, administrative, political and economic centre.

Temporary exhibition "Cartagena Mágica" (24 November - 28 January)

Cartagena Mágica is a visit where we can get to know the world of magic, with life-size figures and dioramas created so that the visitor can enter a magical world and feel like a magician for a day. More than 150 pieces together with sets where adults and children can touch, feel and live a unique experience complement the visit to the Augusteum.



High season (1st July to 15th September)
 Tuesday to Sunday 10.00h to 20:00h

Mid-season (15th March to 30th June and 16th September to 1st November)*
Saturdays and Sundays 10.00h to 15.00h (from Tuesday to Sunday during Semana Santa, or Easter Week).

Low season (2nd November to 14th March)*
 Saturdays and Sundays 10.00h to 15.00h

*Open on other days only for groups with prior reservations. 

Extraordinary opening hours during the temporary exhibition "Magic Cartagena" (24 November - 28 January):
Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00h- 17:30h

Rates and prices


Single rate 4€ during the temporary exhibition "Cartagena Mágica".

Individual: 2,5 Euros

Reduced: 2 Euros


El Augusteum, templo donde se rendía culto al emperador Augusto en Carthago Nova, formaba parte del Foro de la ciudad. Está situado en el centro neurálgico de la ciudad, próximo al Barrio del Foro y a la Curia Romana. Es por su situación estratégica y amplio espacio un lugar idóneo para celebraciones o actos privados.

How to Arrive?

In Cartagena

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